harmonic regression 공부/통계학2019. 3. 21. 20:54
A regression model containing Fourier terms is often called a harmonic regression because the successive Fourier terms represent harmonics of the first two Fourier terms.
A test for a group of autocorrelations is called a portmanteau test, from a French word describing a suitcase containing a number of items.
One such test is the Box-Pierce test, based on the following statisticwhere is the maximum lag being considered and is the number of observations. If each is close to zero, then will be small. If some values are large (positive or negative), then will be large. We suggest using for non-seasonal data and for seasonal data, where is the period of seasonality. However, the test is not good when is large, so if these values are larger than , then use
A related (and more accurate) test is the Ljung-Box test, based on
Again, large values of suggest that the autocorrelations do not come from a white noise series.
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