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2018. 12. 11. 22:17

AR(2)모델의 condition 유도하기 공부/통계학2018. 12. 11. 22:17

출처 : https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/118019/a-proof-for-the-stationarity-of-an-ar2

phi1 <- seq(from = -2.5, to = 2.5, length = 51) 
abline(a = -1, b = 0, lty="dashed")
abline(a = 1, b = -1, lty="dashed")
polygon(x = phi1[6:46], y = 1-abs(phi1[6:46]), col="gray")

Consider the equation


If z is a root of the "standard" characteristic equation 1ϕ1zϕ2z2=0 and setting z1=λ, the display obtains from rewriting the standard one as follows:


Hence, an alternative condition for stability of an AR(2) is that all roots of the first display are insidethe unit circle, |z|>1|λ|=|z1|<1.

We use this representation to derive the stationarity triangle of an AR(2) process, that is that an AR(2) is stable if the following three conditions are met:

  1. ϕ2<1+ϕ1
  2. ϕ2<1ϕ1
  3. ϕ2>1

Recall that you can write the roots of the first display (if real) as


to find the first two conditions.Consider the equation


If z is a root of the "standard" characteristic equation 1ϕ1zϕ2z2=0 and setting z1=λ, the display obtains from rewriting the standard one as follows:

Hence, an alternative condition for stability of an AR(2) is that all roots of the first display are insidethe unit circle, |z|>1|λ|=|z1|<1.

We use this representation to derive the stationarity triangle of an AR(2) process, that is that an AR(2) is stable if the following three conditions are met:

  1. ϕ2<1+ϕ1
  2. ϕ2<1ϕ1
  3. ϕ2>1

Recall that you can write the roots of the first display (if real) as

to find the first two conditions.

Then, the AR(2) is stationary iff |λ|<1, hence (if the λi are real):

The larger of the two λi is bounded by ϕ1+ϕ12+4ϕ2<2, or:
Analogously, we find that ϕ2<1+ϕ1.

If λi is complex, then ϕ12<4ϕ2 and so

The squared modulus of a complex number is the square of the real plus the square of the imaginary part. Hence,
This is stable if |λ|<1, hence if ϕ2<1 or ϕ2>1, as was to be shown. (The restriction ϕ2<1 resulting from ϕ22<1 is redundant in view of ϕ2<1+ϕ1 and ϕ2<1ϕ1.)

Plotting the stationarity triangle, also indicating the line that separates complex from real roots, we get


'공부 > 통계학' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 시스메
2018. 11. 16. 22:14

181116 낙서 취미생활/그림2018. 11. 16. 22:14

과제하다가 30분만에 찍찍

오늘은 뭘 해도 잘 되는 날 

과제도 잘 되고 그림도 맘에들게 그려지고

매일이 오늘같으면 좋겠다

'취미생활 > 그림' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 시스메
2018. 11. 3. 23:07

[60] 라임이의 생일 고양이 라임이/라임이 일기2018. 11. 3. 23:07

요즘 바빠서 일기를 잘 못썼어요
오늘은 라임이의 생일이라서 조촐하게 챙겨줬습니다

라임이는 건강하고 잘있어요
몸무게 신경써줘야되는 점이 좀 걸리지만
너무 착하구 잘 있답니다

요즘은 라임이 건강검진 시켜줄 돈을 매달 모으고 잇어요 ㅎㅎ

다같이 생일축하 노래 불러주고~

K9 캔에 캣만두랑 조공을 얹어줬어요 ㅎㅎ
얼마만에 잔뜩 먹는 맛난 음식인지 기쁠거예요

뇀뇀 뫄이쩌

라임이는 참 잘 지낸답니다

누나 손도 맛보구

요렇게 잘생긴 우리 애기 

이 자세로 있는걸 제일 좋아해요 ㅋㅋ

벌써 한살인데 앞으로 25년 건강하고 행복하게 살자 :)
시간이 참 빠르다

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Posted by 시스메